Saturday, October 9, 2010

Slab Complete

The concreters poured the slab today. They turned up at 6.50am and waited 10 minutes for the official start time of 7am (got to keep the locals happy!), then got to work. Truck after truck came along and poured concrete into the pump, which had an enourmous arm reaching right to the back of the property. By the end of the day the concrete set and was then smoothed and polished. The form work has been removed and now we need to wait 1 week for the slab to cure. Next step, external drainage and frames...

View from the back garden

View from the driveway

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Paul on your progress - finally. Looks great and I bet you are so excited. Bring on the frames I say!
    Cheers Bel (Homeone)
